Parent Coaching
Parenting isn’t easy but you don’t have to feel alone…
The Teen years can be rough for your teen and rough for you. I’m here to help you on the Teen journey raising your Teen.
Many people say that parents just have to put up with the Teen years. I disagree, I know there is a healthy way to navigate the teen years and I want to help you get through them and improve communication at the same time.

Have you wondered….
Are you wondering what happened to the kid that talked to you all the time, wanted to spend time with you and you couldn’t get them to be quiet? Welcome to the Teen Years..
I’ve worked with Teens for 20 years which is why I’ve coined myself the expert on teens. This experience has provided me the opportunity to work with teens in a multitude of environments. Through the years teens have shared their struggles in their relationships with their parents, what they wish their parents knew about them, what they need from their parents and why they actually appreciate it when their parents set limits (Surprising right).
Click on Book A Discovery Call to get started.
Imagine if you could…
Have healthy conversations with your teen.
Have limits/rules set that your teen can agree with and was also apart of deciding what those rules would be.
Have your teen contribute to the household responsibilities without having to repeat it daily.
Have your teen take time away from their electronics and spend quality time with the family.

Schedule Your Appointment
*All packages include unlimited email correspondence throughout the duration and a copy of the Contract that you didn’t know you needed.
Feedback from parents.
“Gretchen not only helped us to understand what we were doing right she was able to assist us with adding a few changes that our Teen agreed with and it really helped to improve our communication as a family. ”
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know what product of service is best?
There is no right or wrong answer. Some families have purchased the products first and move to the parent coaching and some start off with parent coaching and then integrate the products.
Is the tip guide, I’m a Mom of a Teen Girl, Help appropriate for moms of boys?
There are absolutely sections in the tip guide that applies to boys. However keep in mind the major theme of the book is focused on the dynamic of the Mother and Daughter relationship.
What if you need additional sessions outside of what the packages offer is this an option?
Yes there are follow up sessions that are offered to those parents that have invested in the Elite Parent Coaching package and are offered at a reduced rate.
Can I use my insurance for Parent Coaching?
Unfortunately a coaching service can not be billed to an insurance company which is why we offer packages to help meet all financial needs.
You are one click away from improving communication with your Teen.